NFIM-101 (Capacity: 30 Kg / 24h, Ice Storage: 10 Kg)**

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Flake Ice Makers is made up of durable, high-quality stainless steel that resists corrosion. It is designed with adjustable feet and slide away access door for easy user access. Equipped with a compressor of renowned brand with a high efficiency CFC free as a refrigerant. It offers air cooled type condenser and fully automatic controller. It produces flakes of ice from tap water.

* Is used to produce ice flakes for maintaining the conditions of proteins, enzymes, and other reagents during lab experiments, as well as for cooling and transporting various biomedical products, food, and so on across research labs and bio-medical, life sciences and healthcare, food processing, beverage industries, meat processing, commercial bakery, and so on.

** It is widely applied in the field of laboratories, Food and beverage factories and restaurants.,
