NICM-100 (Capacity: 40 Kg / 24h, Ice Storage: 15 Kg)

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NICM-100 (Capacity: 40 Kg / 24h, Ice Storage: 15 Kg)
Is a compact, air-cooled laboratory machine for ice making with durable, corrosion-free stainless-steel construction. Fully automated, it is equipped with high efficiency CFC-free compressor which is economical and consumes less energy. It is designed with hygienic sealed water system with continuous operation for over 24hrs. Flaked ice is especially used for biological, biochemical and enzymatic studies in research and medical labs, health care facilities, etc.,

Flake Ice Cube Maker:
From Labnics Equipment Ltd., Glasgow, UK

Widely employed in various areas of pharmaceutical, refrigerated perishables, food industries, biochemical and biological studies, medical laboratories, beverage industries and healthcare.